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Nolan Ryan Autographed Framed Signed 8x10 Photo Fight Punch Robin Ventura TRISTAR AUTHENTIC COA

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Nolan Ryan
Autographed Framed Photo


On August 4 1993 Nolan Ryan's Rangers faced off against Robin Ventura's. Nolan Ryan came up and in and hit Ventura with a fastball. Ventura dropped his bat and charged the mound. Ryan countered and delivered six blows to Ventura's head. This was one of the best fights in Major League Baseball history. Nolan Ryan has hand signed this 8x10 photo of that fight. Photo has been framed with a descriptive plaque. Autograph is authenticated by TRISTAR AUTHENTIC, one the world’s leading authenticator of sports autographs. Comes with their unique sticker # fixed to the item and verified on their website. Simply type the # into their system to verify. Black frame measures 13x16.