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Should you get a Speed Football Helmet for Your Next Autograph?

August 09, 2019 2 min read

A common question I often get is what is the difference between a speed helmet and a regular football helmet?

A speed helmet refers to the holes you see on top of the helmet.  See this Chiefs helmet signed by Patrick Mahomes?  That is a speed helmet.

The Ravens helmet signed by Ray Lewis is not a speed helmet.  It has no holes on top.

How did the speed helmets come about?

Certain players started wearing this style of helmet.  Riddell, who makes the NFL helmets, made a retail version available.

Players during Ray Lewis's era did not have this style of helmet available to them.

The follow up question I get is which one should I get?

My suggestion to you is to get the type of helmet the player wore during their era.  Getting Joe Montana or Jerry Rice on a speed helmet when they didn't wear that style looks a bit odd.  Doesn't fit.  I would suggest getting the non speed style for them, often called the "Proline' style.

That limits you to only getting current players on the speed style of helmet.

One thing to consider is also how many inscriptions you might be getting on a helmet.  If you noticed, the speed helmet limits the amount of area an athlete can sign and write inscriptions.  Whereas the non speed helmet like the Ray Lewis with multiple inscriptions, has plenty of room.

The speed and non speed helmets are both made in replica and authentic helmets as well.  My suggestion on that is to only get players on the authentic helmet where the signature cost is similar to the cost of the helmet.  Doesn't make sense to spend $50 on an autograph and $300 on the helmet.

Any questions, let me know !  You can check out my autographed full size helmets HERE.

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