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サインの認証を取得する - 誰を使用する必要がありますか?

1月 18、2018 1 最小読み取り 19コメント

Getting Your Autograph Authenticated - Who Should You Use?



明確にしておきますが、サードパーティのサイン認証に関しては、 Beckett AuthenticationJames Spence Authentication (JSA)、およびPSA/DNA の3 社だけを使用する必要があります。それだ。他に誰もいない。サインアイテムに認証を加えると価値が上がるのはこの 3 社だけです。

誰を使用するかは、好み、所在地、認証を受けるアイテムの種類、および認証をどの程度早く完了したいかによって異なります。 PSA はハリウッド地区にあるため、有名人のサインを買うのによく利用されてきました。最近始めたばかりの Beckett は、元 PSA 認証者の Steve Grad をチームに迎えているため、有名人のサインにも同様に適しています。 JSA は、PSA や Beckett と同様に、スポーツやビンテージのサインに最適です (有名人も同様です)。 Beckett はテキサスにあり、JSA はニュージャージーとフロリダにあります。料金は会社によって多少異なりますが、一般的にはどの会社もほぼ同じ料金です。所要時間も非常に重要です。私の経験では、JSA は商品の納期を非常に迅速に対応してくれました。一般的に、3 社のいずれからでも商品が戻ってくるまでに通常約 3 ~ 4 週間かかります。特定の日までに商品を仕上げる必要がある場合は、必ず事前にお電話ください。

以下の最近の Twitter アンケートでは、誰が使用する可能性があるかを示しています (サンプル サイズは非常に小さい)。


要約すると、誰を使用するかを決定する 3 つの要素は次のとおりです。

1.) 会社の所在地

2.) 認証されるサインの種類

3.) どれくらい早く完了させたいか

パワーズ スポーツ メモラビリアは、スポーツ サインや有名人の記念品の愛好家やコレクターが高品質の製品を手頃な価格で入手できる方法として、私、マット パワーズによって始められました。私の会社に何かを注文するときは、あなたが私と直接取引するので、あなたにふさわしい最高品質のサービスとパーソナルケアが確実に受けられるようにします。あなたのスポーツ記念品のお手伝いをさせてください!


Jose marrero
Jose marrero

5月 02、2023

Hi i have a signed jersey by a NY JETS PLAYER Elijah Moore #8 at a charity event i attended would love to get it authenticated what can i do

Rickey W Hall
Rickey W Hall

10月 26、2022

When my retirement gift was shipped to me it was autographed by all the members of Aerosmith, but Tom Hamilitons signature was smudged. Can someone please tell me how I can get Tom to resign it for me? Aerosmith is my favorite band I have seen them roughly 15 times. I have been a fan since 1973. Please let me know through email I will be more to pay to have him resign. Please help me if you can.

Rick Hall


5月 13、2022

Looking to authenticate Beatles autographes

Lorraine Regan
Lorraine Regan

3月 30、2022

I have a baseball signed by Willie Mays, Mickey Mantle, and the Duke Snider, it is about 40 to 50 years old, in good condition, I would like to get it authenticated, and appraised, but I would like to come in person

David Comora
David Comora

3月 30、2022

Last week,, I sent a Joe Dimaggio autographed photo that I purchased a decade ago, which came with one of Drew Max’s Authentic Autographs Unlimited certificates to JSA Authentications for certification. JSA determined that the autograph “is not, in fact, an authentic example” and provided 6 reasons why. So, it failed the JSA Authentication. I included the Drew Max Certificate when I submitted the photo thinking the provenance might be greater with the certificate. Any Idea why this happened?


10月 20、2021

i have a signed football by JOHN MADDEN,looking for estimated value, so i may sell item. thanks


10月 20、2021

i need some sports items authenticated. there is no one in my area ZIP CODE 53934. WHO WOULD YOU SAY WOULD BE CHEAPEST, AND THE BEST FOR ME. THANK YOU.

Pat Gaborski
Pat Gaborski

10月 20、2021

I have a Bob Gibson autographed baseball. How do I get it authenticated and how much does it cost to authenticate signed baseballs and signed baseball cards?

Pat Gaborski
Pat Gaborski

10月 20、2021

I have a Bob Gibson autographed baseball. How do I get it authenticated and how much does it cost to authenticate signed baseballs and signed baseball cards?

David Selby
David Selby

7月 12、2021

I have 2 baseballs signed. How much to have them authentic?


4月 27、2021

I have a 1967 Senior Bowl ticket stub signed by Paul Bryant. I would really like to have it authenticated. Any suggestions??


4月 27、2021

Have a Michael Jordan black bulls jersey signed and framed. How can I get authenticity?
Also, have a signed Tom Brady white super bowl LI jersey and framed that I have a hologram verification from Authentic Sports Memorabilia with number. How trustworthy is this authenticity?

Beth Sloan
Beth Sloan

10月 19、2020

I have a autograph book that was my mother’s. it has a bunch of autographs In it such as Walt Disney, Jimmy Stewart, Lucille Ball, Bob Hope, Ronald Regan, Joan Crawford, Randolph Scott, and so many more. I would like to get them authenticated and see how much they are worth. My mother live in Hollywood just down from the studios. She would go to the studios and wait at the back door to collect autographs…how can I start this process of getting each on authenticated?

Mark L Sessions
Mark L Sessions

10月 19、2020

Why do you think that Authentic Autographs Unlimited authenticator Drew Max, who’s training and professional experience , should be a standard, for authenticators is not trusted by Ebay’s authenticator as real?

Rob Baker
Rob Baker

7月 22、2020

I have a autograph basketball Kareem Abdul-Jabbar I need to see how much it’s going to cost me to have it authenticated

Rodney Burge
Rodney Burge

1月 22、2020

I have an Autographed Football by Long Beach 49ers Coach George Allen.
his last year before he died.
looking for an estimated value?

Susie Hurley
Susie Hurley

11月 27、2019

I found this leather coat! It has really bright colors of red, green, yellow and trimmed in black with the number 44 on the back and elbows! It is signed on the back, Reggie Jackson! Now this is a small sized coat so I didn’t think it was his personally! So I researched the name on the label and turns out, the guy who designed this coat(early 90’s) got the idea from looking at bowling shoes one night (bright colored with the size on the back of the shoe) He made several coats with an 8 ball on the back. One was even used on the Sienfeld show! I can’t find any other number on one. Upon further research, turns out this guy made a few of these coats for celebrities, so I don’t know what to think about it! Anyway I would love to start by verifying the signature!

Marsha Bagosy
Marsha Bagosy

3月 05、2019

I was giving Philadelphia Flyers shirts signed by bob clarke. I trying to find out how I go about getting them authentication of signature. How do I do this? How much? These are for my daughter who plays ice hockey.

Tom Quinlan
Tom Quinlan

1月 18、2018

Do you send email notices of what Is happening?

